How To Consume Collagen Supplements? 4 Best Ways According to Experts

how to consume collagen


How to Consume Collagen? Most collagen supplements taste and smell like the bottom of the cage. Consuming them might be challenging for you. However, you can get some amazing results by incorporating them into the foods you already eat. In this article, we will give you some tips on how to consume collagen supplements conveniently. In case you are new to collagen supplements, we have added a little introduction about collagen, its sources, and its uses. 

What is collagen?

Collagen is a protein that’s found in the human body, and it’s one of the most abundant proteins in mammals. It’s a major structural component of connective tissue, so it gives your skin its elasticity and strength. Collagen is also found in bones, tendons, cartilage, and other tissues throughout your body; this protein helps keep these parts strong as they age.

As we get older, our collagen production slows down; this is why you may notice wrinkles or loose skin on various parts of your body. Some other symptoms of collagen deficiency include lack of energy, poor growth of hair, nails, and muscles. Many people choose to use collagen peptide supplements to get more collagen.

Collagen protein can be sourced from fish (marine collagen), cows (bovine collagen), eggs or chicken. 

Read our article on various health benefits of collagen here. 

Also read our reviews on various collagen supplements here: 

  1. Vital Proteins Collagen 
  2. Bulletproof collagen 
  3. Ancient Nutrition Collagen 

Forms of collagen

Collagen supplementation is available in various forms and offers a different amino acid profile and nutrients like vitamin C and probiotics. 

Most people prefer collagen protein powder as it can be used in a variety of ways. You can mix it into your favorite beverage or bake it into your favorite cake or cookies.

Liquid collagen protein is another popular choice because it does not have to be mixed with anything else before using it. It comes in several flavors that you can add to water or juice for an added boost of nutrients!

The third option is pills and gummies. These are great for those who do not like taking pills but still want an easy way to get extra collagen into their diet! They come in a variety of flavors and are a perfect way to improve their collagen levels.

Collagen bars and cookies, which are often made with raw ingredients and come in a wide variety of flavors. 

4 Best Ways to Consume Collagen 

  1. Mix it in your favorite beverage

You can mix collagen powder in your favorite beverage. Try adding some fresh fruit with it for a better taste!

  • Mix it with the water 

Most collagen hydrolysate supplements are odorless and tasteless. When you mix them in water, they are very easy to consume. 

  • Mix it with your protein shake or smoothie 

Many people enjoy mixing their collagen supplements with their favorite drinks such as chocolate shakes or green smoothies, since these are already prepared beverages and require fewer ingredients than preparing a soup from scratch!

Adding it to your smoothie is a great way to boost the nutritional content of your morning meal. There are many different types of smoothies, but most contain fruit and protein. The fruit can be anything from berries to bananas.

The protein can come from yogurt or eggs. For example, an orange-banana smoothie would be made by adding orange juice and banana slices to plain yogurt, and an egg white protein shake would be made with one whole egg white and orange juice. These are just some examples—there are many more.

  • Add Collagen to Your Coffee 

It’s the best way to increase collagen intake. Just add some collagen dietary supplements to your favorite coffee, and enjoy every sip.

The beauty of collagen is that it’s a protein, so it has the same effect on your body as a food-based protein. It’s also abundant in cold-water fish like salmon and tuna, which means it’s easy to get enough of it. Adding collagen to your daily diet is a great way to help your bones stay strong and healthy!

Follow these steps to consume collagen through your coffee.

1) Dissolve 1-2 teaspoons collagen powder in a cup of hot water (or another hot liquid).

2) Mix thoroughly. Add milk if you like.

3) Serve right away or chill until ready to serve.

  • Add Collagen To Your Iced Or Hot Tea

One of the best things about a collagen drink is that it can be enjoyed at any temperature, so you can enjoy it all year round!

If you’re going for the hot beverage route, all you need to do is heat up some water and then put some collagen in there! You can mix it in with a mug full of warm water or just let it sit on its own.

If you’re going to add collagen to iced tea, try making it with a little bit of lemon, then add some collagen powder—about 1/4 teaspoon per cup.

2. Combine collagen and oatmeal 

Simply add a serving of collagen to your oatmeal for a tasty and healthy breakfast. It’s a great way to help fill you up on fewer carbs while still giving you the nutrients that you need. Just stir it into your oatmeal before eating!

  • Mix Collagen in Hot Oatmeal 

Hot oatmeal is one of the best ways to consume collagen because it helps you absorb the collagen and makes sure you get enough of it.

To make hot oatmeal, add 1 cup of water to 1/2 cup of oats, place them in a saucepan over medium heat, and cook until the water has been absorbed. Then add milk (1/2 cup), brown sugar (3 tablespoons), cinnamon (1 teaspoon), and vanilla extract (1 teaspoon). Cook for another 2 minutes, and enjoy!

  • Add Collagen In Cold Oatmeal 

Collagen can also be added to cold oatmeal, but cold oatmeal doesn’t need to be made from raw oats-any kind will do! Just make sure the oats are cooked first.

To make cold oatmeal, place 1/2 cup of cooked oat flakes into a bowl and pour in enough water so that everything is submerged in liquid. Allow it to sit for at least 10 minutes before stirring it up with a spoon or fork. Stir it up again until all the flakes are completely coated with liquid, and then refrigerate overnight. The next morning, simply add your favorite toppings and make your oatmeal bowl full of healthy things!

3. Mix it into soups, stews, and chili recipes 

It’s easy to add collagen to soups or stews as an optional ingredient. You can even make a delicious hot pot dish with beef and broccoli or beef and broccoli soup. Just add some collagen powder to the pot.

You can also use collagen in chili recipes too! Just add some flour to the chili before adding the meat. We recommend eating it in soups, stews, and chili. You don’t have to add a bunch of stuff-just a few tablespoons can make a big difference!

Just make sure that whatever you’re cooking contains lots of healthy fats (like olive oil) and spices (like cumin), because those are both things that will help your body absorb the goodness from the collagen.

4. Mix collagen powder with yogurt 

Stir collagen powder into yogurt!

If you have collagen powder right now, why not prepare an awesome dessert with it.

Step 1: Stir 1/4 tsp of collagen powder into an 8 oz. container of plain yogurt.

Step 2: Serve immediately or store in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.

That’s it! Now you’re ready to take on life one collagen-infused bite at a time!

It’s a simple way to consume collagen. Don’t be afraid of the taste of the powder, though-it really isn’t that bad. But if you want to try it with something sweet, try mixing it with some fruit.

The best thing about this is that it’s extremely easy and fast, so you won’t have to worry about waiting for your collagen to dissolve in the liquid. It’s also a great idea because the collagen will help you build muscle mass!

Collagen supplements can be consumed in many different ways

There are many ways to consume collagen supplements. You can either take them with food or without food, which is fine as long as you take them at least once daily.

Collagen supplements are a good source of protein and help to build muscle mass and strength. They also support joint health, hair growth, skin elasticity, and even the production of cartilage.


As you can see, there are a number of ways to consume collagen supplements. Now it is upon us that which way we choose or how to consume collagen . At the end of the day, it’s about finding what works for you. If you’re looking for an easy way to get started, try mixing it in your favorite beverage, such as coffee or tea (and maybe even add some flavorings). You’ll be amazed at how delicious something so simple can taste!


You can mix collagen powder with water or milk. If you mix it with milk, you can add some honey or another flavoring agent to enhance the taste. Some people drink a daily glass of collagen powder mixed with hot water. Other people enjoy drinking it cold. You can even put the collagen powder on some whipped cream and make a delicious drink! 

Drink your collagen powder whenever you need to hydrate, replenish, or repair your cells. Health experts recommend drinking 3-5 grams of collagen powder mixed with 8 oz. of water (or tea) 15 minutes before you eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

“Yes!” You can consume collagen powder daily. The daily consumption of fine and powdered collagen will help maintain healthy bones, joints, and skin. High-quality collagen is important for your body because it is part of the protein that holds up your connective tissue.

Yes, you can easily mix collagen with water. All you need to do is dissolve the powder in a cup of warm water and mix it until there are no clumps left. Then, for storage, return the mixture to a single-serving jar or a separate container. Remember! That collagen powder will have less effect in the water. Instead, you can add it to baked goods or milk.

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