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Ancient Nutrition Multi Collagen Protein Reviews –Know the Health Benefits Inside Out

Find out the truth about Ancient Nutrition Multi Collagen Protein in the Light of Thousands of Reviews on the Amazon, Reddit and YouTube

Looking for the user reviews on Ancient Nutrition Multi Collagen Protein Powder? Look no further. We have gone through thousands of reviews on Amazon, Reddit and YouTube to find out the best and the worst about this collagen supplement. 

We have also tested it and searched thoroughly all the information on the internet about this supplement. We’ve found out that it is a perfect choice for you if: 

  1. You want 5 types of collagen in one supplement. 
  2. You want added dose of Vitamin C and Probiotics in your supplement
  3. You are not allergic to fish or Glutamic Acid.

As always, we will quote all the sources from where we have gathered the information. 

Keep reading to know more about this collagen supplement.  


Table of Contents

Whether you want a little boost for your hair, skin, and nails, your joints, or even your gut, Ancient Nutrition offers a variety of single-source and multi-source collagen and collagen protein products that provide the collagen benefits you want for the body- or beauty-boosting support. 

Check out our review articles on some other favorite collagen supplements here: 

  1. Online Ancient Nutrition Multi Collagen Protein Reviews 

Ancient Nutrition Multi Collagen Protein Reviews-Amazon 

The product has around 22,260 ratings on Amazon at the time of publishing this article, which shows its popularity. First we will look at some of the positive reviews then we will discuss the negative reviews to find out the pros and cons of this product. 

The following are the top trending positive Ancient Nutrition Multi Collagen Protein Reviews on Amazon. These Ancient Nutrition Multi Collagen Protein Reviews point out the great effects of this supplement on skin, hair and nails.  

  • Improved Skin and Tendons

Ancient Nutrition Multi Collagen Protein Review by Sam Moustafa 

The reviewer has been using it for 8 months and noticed significant changes in skin as well as muscle health. He had surgery on tendons and felt excruciating pain all the time. After using this supplement, his pain got better and his energy levels improved. 

  • Tasteless 

Ancient Nutrition Multi Collagen Protein Review  by Jade 

The reviewer loved the product because it was tasteless and dissolved very well. It had lower calories and it smelled great too. There was a light fish smell but it was bearable. The reviewer oved to use it in his oatmeal. 

  • No Taste 

Ancient Nutrition Multi Collagen Protein Review by Marla H

This reviewer started using it in her morning tea. She later used it in her coffee too. It was tasteless and she noticed improvement in joint stiffness. Her digestion improved too and she could take sugar without pain.  

  • Improved Appetite 

Ancient Nutrition Multi Collagen Protein Review by K

The reviewer noticed improvement in restlessness in her legs and his appetite improved too. She also noticed that her cellulite is gone and she is determined to continue using it. 

  • Improved Hair Loss 

Ancient Nutrition Multi Collagen Protein Review by Carole E Walsh 

The reviewer had been using it for less than a month and already saw an improvement in hair loss. She was previously having loads of hair loss due to thyroid condition but her hair loss improved after she took this supplement.  

  • The Most Whole Collagen Powder

Ancient Nutrition Multi Collagen Protein Review by Linda Hendrex 

The reviewer loved the fact that she was getting 5 different collagens in one supplement. She could pick any flavor and use it. It was less expensive and offered great health benefits. 

Now let’s look at some of the negative Ancient Nutrition Multi Collagen Protein reviews on Amazon to find out the drawbacks of this supplement. These negative Ancient Nutrition Multi Collagen Protein reviews reported allergic reactions from this product. The supplement has collagen sourced from egg shells and fish membranes that might cause allergies to a few people. 

  • The Quality of Powder is Different from the Last Time 

Ancient Nutrition Multi Collagen Protein Review  by an anonymous user

Obviously, this is a disgruntled customer who’s used the product for more than 5 years and is dissatisfied with the last can that he bought. He reported that the powder didn’t dissolve and cluped up. 

  • Allergic Reaction 

Ancient Nutrition Multi Collagen Protein Review  by ALPal 

The reviewer had a severe allergic reaction after using this product. His body got covered in red spots after using it. Once she stopped using it, she felt better. 

  • Histamine Reaction 

Ancient Nutrition Multi Collagen Protein Review by Nina M 

This consumer had a severe histamine reaction from this product. Her skin was flushing and full of rashes and it lasted for 9 days. Her rashes were inflamed and raised. 

  • Allergic Reaction due to Glutamic Acid

Ancient Nutrition Multi Collagen Protein Review by OMZ

The reviewer felt severe fatigue and headaches after using it. He believed that hydrolyzed collagen produced glutamic acid that caused reaction. He advised all the people to read the nutrition label carefully before using it. 

Ancient Nutrition Multi Collagen Protein Reviews- Reddit 

Some of the top trending Ancient Nutrition Multi Collagen Reviews on Reddit highly praised this supplement due to its excellent quality. Reviewers loved Ancient Nutrition due to its taste, and multiple health benefits. They loved the fact that it provided energy boosts and it had zero sugar. 

Ancient Nutrition Multi Collagen Protein Reviews on YouTube

The following are some of the highest ranking videos on YouTube about Ancient Nutrition Multi Collagen. We have chosen only the review videos that are liked and watched by hundreds of thousands of people. This way, we hope to find out the good, the bad and the worst of this supplement. 

In this video, JT Keto notes the wonderful effects of Ancient Nutrition Collagen on hair, skin and nails. The reviewer points out that the supplement offers 5 different types of collagen along with Vitamin C and probiotics. It is ideal for keto lifestyle as it has zero carbohydrates. 

The reviewers note that this supplement is a great choice for someone who wants multiple types of collagen. However it may cause a reaction to someone who is allergic to fish. 

The reviewers note that it has all the right ingredients. The people facing hair loss can greatly benefit from this product. You can choose to buy Vanilla flavor if you don’t like the unflavored option. Sweetened with Stevia, it provides a high amount of collagen in each serving. 


  • High-quality ingredients from a reputable manufacturer
  • Five types of collagen
  • Added Vitamin C and Probiotics
  • An excellent quantity of protein per serving.
  • Multiple flavor options are available.
  • Vitamins and probiotics are added with collagen
  • Zero Carbohydrates and sugar
  • Tastes well in coffee, smoothies, porridge, and even pancakes.
  • Designed by a recognized team of specialists
  • Thousands of positive testimonials
  • Proven to improve healthy hair, diminish crow's feet, alleviate joint stiffness, and aid in recuperation.


  • It smells of fish.
  • Some consumers might get allergic reactions from it.

Benefits of Ancient Nutrition Multi Collagen Powder  

 Dr. Axe developed this collagen to address a void in the market for a collagen powder derived from many sources. This means that you can get collagen extracted from bovine and marine sources by using the same supplement. While going through hundreds of Ancient Nutrition Multi Collagen Protein Reviews, we found out that this supplement provides support for your hair, nails, joints and skin. It offers five forms of collagen extracted from a variety of food sources. 


 It’s time to get your daily dose of award-winning protein! 

As we were gathering customer feedback for this Ancient Nutrition Collagen Review, we noticed that Multi Collagen Protein is frequently the best-selling item in Dr. Axe’s online store, and they’re not the only ones who think it’s fantastic.

Better Nutrition Magazine presented Multi Collagen Protein with the “Best of Supplements” and “Best of Natural Beauty” awards in 2017 and 2018, respectively. 

Hydrolyzed for Absorption

Collagen may be the secret to a youthful face, but it’s not as easy to absorb as you might think—unless you use Dr. Axe’s Collagen! Collagen is composed of amino acids that must be absorbed by the body for it to be beneficial.

Dr. Axe’s collagen is hydrolyzed, which means it has already been partially broken down, making it simpler to absorb the essential amino acids. 

Our reviewer used it for 4 weeks before providing feedback for this review, and he noticed that it easily started absorbing in his body after he used it. 

Multi-Source Collagen

 You know the feeling. You’re standing in front of the cupboard, reaching for your protein powder, and you’re like, “Which one should I get? Which one is going to be best for my skin AND my gut health?”

Well guess what: you can have it all. With Multi Collagen Protein, you do not need to pick between aesthetic benefits, gut health benefits, and general health support. This supplement comprises types I, II, III, V, and X collagen. In addition to promoting digestive health, this four-source collagen also promotes healthy skin and joints. And that’s just the beginning—this stuff also contains probiotics!

Food-Based Ingredients 

 You know what’s not filling? The filler in your food.

If you’re looking for a collagen powder that’s going to give you the results you want without packing on the pounds, this is just the thing. Ancient Nutrition Multi Collagen Protein has no fillers—it’s made from four natural food ingredients. 

There are no strange chemicals or artificial additives listed on our label, and this collagen is derived from four food sources (beef, chicken, fish, and eggshell membrane). These sources are non-GMO, pasture-raised, cage-free, and cruelty-free!


 If you’re looking for a collagen supplement that will dissolve in cold liquids and not leave any weird aftertaste, then you’ve found it!

This collagen supplement is unflavored and dissolves easily in hot or cold liquids. It’s perfect for those who like to mix their shakes with coffee or tea, or who just want to take it straight down with some water. 

Read our article on how to consume collagen for more ideas. 

Gut, Joint, and Skin Health 

 If you’ve got a gut, skin, hair, nail, and joint problem and you’re looking for a solution, we’ve got the answer for you.

Ancient Nutrition Collagen is a 100% pure collagen supplement that promotes gut health, skin health, hair health, and nail health. It’s also great for joints!

Collagen is an essential protein that helps keep your body strong and healthy. As you age, your body begins to produce less collagen, and more of it starts to break down—causing wrinkles and sagging skin. This formula contains collagen peptides that help replenish your body’s natural supply of this vital protein so it can keep up with the demands of aging without slowing down or breaking down. 

Hair Health 

Your hair is as unique as you are. It’s your crowning glory, and it deserves to be treated like a queen. 

Ancient nutrition collagen supplement is the perfect solution for keeping your hair healthy and looking great. This collagen supplement also helps reduce the likelihood of hair breakage by strengthening each strand of hair so you can get through the day with confidence!

ancient nutrition multi collagen protein

***The FDA has not evaluated these statements, and the product is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. Although Ancient Nutrition is careful about the ingredients they use in their products and each one has been clinically tested, these statements have not been evaluated and the product is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease.***

Ingredients of Ancient Nutrition Collagen Powder 

Each serving offers 10 g of Multi Collagen Complex, 90 mg of Vitamin C, and 9 g of Protein in each scoop.

Ancient Nutrition’s products are made from grass-fed bovine hides that are ethically sourced from family farms in the U.S. These hides are then processed using a proprietary enzymatic hydrolysis process that breaks down the collagen into its basic amino acid building blocks. The resulting hydrolysate is then combined with other ingredients to create delicious and easy-to-use powder.

This specially developed collagen supplement contains five different types of collagen derived from actual food sources, as well as SBO probiotics, for a powerful nutritional and health boost in one simple supplement. It’s a terrific brand and one of the best collagen supplements for weight loss.

ancient nutrition multi collagen ingredients
  • Chicken Bone Broth Collagen Concentrate

 Chicken soup for the soul. We’re not talking about the kind you eat. We’re talking about the kind that’s made from chicken bones, and it’s so good for your body that it’s even been shown to help with joint pain.

This is Dr. Axe’s chicken bone broth collagen concentrate, which is sustainably derived from non-GMO, U.S.-raised birds. Your gut will thank you for eating this chicken bone broth collagen concentrate!

  • Hydrolyzed Fish Collagen Peptides  

This collagen is derived from wild-caught pollock fished in North American waters in a sustainable manner. It could also contain cod or haddock. Type I collagen is naturally present in marine collagen.

  • Eggshell Membrane Collagen

 Eggshell membrane is a thing. And it’s actually really cool! It is collagen, which is the building block of all skin and connective tissue. Collagen is also found in bone broth and gelatin, but the eggshell membrane is a more concentrated form of the stuff.

This supplement has eggshell membranes from non-GMO eggs that are sourced locally from U.S. farms. The collagen types I and V in the eggshell membranes help to repair your skin, boost your hair and nails, and even reduce cellulite

  • SBO Probiotics

 Why are we so obsessed with SBO probiotics? Because they’re the best.

We know you’re tired of hearing that, so we’ll just get right to the point: each serving of Ancient Nutrition Collagen contains 2 Billion CFU of Bacillus Coagulans, an SBO probiotic strain.

This probiotic is added to promote a healthy digestive tract, digestive function, bowel movements, and gut flora—and it’s clinically studied to prove it! 

  • Clinically Studied Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a great way to support your immune system and fight off colds. That’s why we recommend Ancient Nutrition’s collagen supplement . It provides the recommended daily allowance of vitamin C in a lipid metabolite form that maximizes absorption for longer-lasting effects—so you can be better prepared for the next time you get sick. 

Who Should Use It?

Consider utilizing Ancient Nutrition’s Multi Collagen Protein if you wish to optimize your nutrition to include support for your hair, skin, nails, joints, and gut. Ancient Nutrition is a reputed brand with tens of thousands of enthusiastic followers, and its collagen supplement is one of its most popular offerings.

We feel that virtually everyone can benefit from adding collagen to their daily supplement regimen, if for no other reason than to increase their daily protein intake. Nonetheless, we feel this product to be one of the highest quality solutions on the market, and you can trust it to deliver on its promises.

How to Consume It?

Our ancient nutrition multi collagen reviewer found out that it is very simple to incorporate it into your everyday diet. As it’s so easy to mix and comes in both flavorless and flavored varieties, you can add it to almost anything and either not notice it or experience a flavor profile enhancement. 

  • Coffee

Add 1 to 2 scoops to your morning brew along with your preferred creamer or sweetener. Our reviewer preferred to use a frother to incorporate it and create froth.

  • Smoothies and other drinks

Incorporating 1-2 scoops of collagen into your favorite smoothie recipe will not only increase the amount of protein and nutrients in your diet, but it will also make your smoothie creamier. 

  • Foods

Add one or two scoops to your pancakes, oatmeal, cookies, and muffins, etc. This is an excellent method for making baked goods healthier and more nutrient-dense.

Collagen Supplements from Ancient Nutrition

Aside from “multi collagen,” Keto collagen and Bone Broth Collagen protein are two more Ancient Nutrition bestsellers.

Ancient Nutrition Bone Broth Collagen Protein

Collagen is commonly found in bone broth and bone broth protein from one of two sources: chicken or beef bone broth.

This implies you’ll be getting more type II collagen, which has larger levels of hyaluronic acid and chondroitin.

It is available in several tastes. The Ancient Nutrition bone broth choice has 20 grams of protein per serving. This makes it more effective at increasing muscle mass.

This is a must-have combination for anyone looking for a pure Paleo protein. It is a low-cost option.

Ancient Nutrition Keto Collagen Protein Powder

Ancient nutrition Keto collagen protein powder

This powder was created specifically for the Keto diet and contains a Keto-friendly ratio of healthy fats and beef protein.

Each meal contains 13 grams of genuine, whole-food protein. This is made up of hydrolyzed bovine collagen peptides that contain collagen types I and III.

Purified coconut MCT oil, which is important to a Keto diet, is also included in the Keto broth powder. Acacia is also included as a highly soluble fiber source.

Key Takeaway  

Ancient Nutrition Multi Collagen powder is one of the best collagen supplements we’ve encountered; it’s not only a nice product, but it’s also effective, pure, and one you can feel good about purchasing.

The fact is that you can find collagen supplements just about anywhere, but they are not all created equally, which is why we usually recommend doing some research before making a purchase (which, I suppose, is why you’re here!).

We love the fact that Ancient Nutrition delivers a product that is both unique in terms of components and formulation methods. In addition, our reviewer has been using it in his coffee for the past several weeks and adores the results. 

Ancient Nutrition is an excellent choice for anyone looking for a reliable collagen supplement of high quality.


This product can be used in the morning, afternoon, evening, or shortly before bedtime. Ancient Nutrition Multi Collagen Protein reviews on the internet indicate that it can be taken at any time, however taking it consistently will enhance the advantages. Choose a time that works best for you to do it on a regular basis.

Alanine 838 mg/Serving

Arginine 740 mg/Serving

Aspartic Acid 525 mg/Serving

Glutamic Acid 994 mg/Serving

Glycine 2180

Histidine 120 mg/Serving

Hydroxylysine 180 mg/Serving

Hydroxyproline 1175 mg/Serving

Isoleucine 168 mg/Serving

Leucine 288 mg/Serving

Lysine 364 mg/Serving

Methionine 122 mg/Serving

Phenylalanine 202 mg/Serving

Proline 1277

Serine 348 mg/Serving

Threonine 203 mg/Serving 

Tyrosine 114 mg/Serving

Valine 255 mg/Serving

According to the manufacturer, this treatment improves skin tone beginning on Day 1 and reduces the look of crow’s feet after 28 days. Hundreds of Ancient Nutrition Multi Collagen Protein Reviews indicated that they loved this particular brand of collagen due to its great effects on skin

It is manufactured and packaged in USA cGMP facilities.

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