Top 5 Supplements for Lactating Mothers-Collagen Peptides Breastfeeding

collagen peptides breastfeeding

Collagen Peptides Breastfeeding Supplements- Here’s What you Need to Know

If you ask virtually any gynecologist, obstetrician, or medical expert out there about powerhouse ingredients during lactation, we’d bet the big bucks that collagen peptides would make the cut.

The doctor we consulted said it’s the “OG of energy.”

The ultra-powerful nutrient, impressively, is incorporated into several powders, pills, and gummies on the market. Khloe Kardashian, a US model, mentioned the enormous benefits of collagen peptides breastfeeding supplements in an interview: “I noticed a difference in my hair and my skin cleared up.” 

Best known for muscle growth, tissue repair, and as a source of energy, collagen peptides breastfeeding supplements have been put through clinical tests and proven to aid in a variety of feel-good benefits. 

Along with everything to know about using a collagen peptide supplement, this article lists the 5 best collagen peptides breastfeeding supplements that we have tested. We will provide the following details about each of the collagen peptides powders: 

  • Ingredients & nutritional profile,
  • Its taste, mix-ability, usage tips and
  • Any product sourcing info we can dig up

Science resources included

We will provide links to all of the relevant sports science and medical resources, clinical studies, and nutritional data used in this article. 

Read our articles on other amazing health benefits of collagen: 

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Table of Contents

What is Collagen?

Collagen is the most abundant protein found naturally in your body. This protein makes up about one-third of the protein produced in your body. It’s the major building block responsible for bone structure, skin, muscles, tendons, and ligaments. It can also be found in blood vessels, corneas, and teeth.

It binds the body together and acts as a scaffold, providing structure and strength. 

Collagen is broadly categorized into two main groups: 

  1. Endogenous Collagen 
  2. Exogenous Collagen

Endogenous collagen is produced naturally by the body whereas exogenous collagen is synthesized synthetically. It is obtained by an external source, such as a supplement, and is present in fibrous tissues, such as tendons and ligaments, as well as in the cornea, cartilage, bones, skin, and blood vessels. 

It has also been proven that if you take a collagen supplement, it improves overall strength and body mass.  

What are Collagen Peptides Breastfeeding Supplements Made Of? 

Collagen peptides breastfeeding supplements consist of the collagen proteins that are broken down. The purpose of breaking down bigger chains of amino acids into smaller chains is to make them convenient for absorption. 

 Where do collagen peptides breastfeeding supplements come from?

Collagen protein powders come from the skin & bones of cattle, chicken, or the scales of fish.

Can you take Collagen Peptides Breastfeeding Supplements? 

The short answer is “yes.”The women who use collagen peptides breastfeeding report improvement in the quality of breast milk and the baby’s growth. Another challenge during lactation is hair loss and poor skin health. There have been several studies that prove that the women who use collagen peptides while breastfeeding get improved hair and skin health. 

Another benefit of collagen peptides breastfeeding is increasing bone health, reducing stretch marks, preventing postpartum hair loss, and improving milk quality. 

Why are Collagen Peptides Breastfeeding Supplements Important? 

There are tons of reasons to use collagen peptides while breastfeeding.  Consider these statistics:

  1. A healthy lactating mother needs 1.05 g/kg of protein every day. Collagen peptides breastfeeding supplements are proven to be one of the most readily available and efficient sources to meet this requirement. Similarly, another study confirmed that lactating mothers need 79 gms of proteins every day. 
  2.  Protein supports an adequate supply of breast milk as well as impacts the overall growth of the infant. It synthesizes hormones, as well as plays a role in the development of mammary gland mass and prolactin secretion which increases milk production. 
  3. Protein deficiency enhances the store of lipid to glycogen ratio that resulting in a higher risk of fatty liver development as well as intrauterine growth retardation.
  4. Collagen peptides breastfeeding supplements can greatly help in wound healing and improved energy levels during postpartum. 
  5. Pro-Hyp (derived from collagen peptides) stimulates cell proliferation, increases the synthesis of hyaluronic acid, and accelerates cell migration in the skin. 
  6. Collagen peptides breastfeeding supplements are highly soluble and instantly get absorbed into the body. They provide an instant energy boost, making them an ideal food supplement for lactating mothers.  
  7. Besides so many benefits of collagen proteins, around 75% of pregnant and lactating mothers are not meeting their protein requirements. 

Top 5 Collagen Peptides Breastfeeding Supplements 

While there are so many collagen peptides in the market, it gets a little difficult to choose the best products. The following is a list of the 5 best collagen peptides breastfeeding supplements for lactating mothers. 

Packed with all the vitamins and minerals, a complete collagen peptides breastfeeding supplement for lactating mothers 

Majka-Collagen Peptides Breastfeeding Supplement

Packed with all the vitamins and minerals, a complete collagen peptides breastfeeding supplement for lactating mothers 

  • Non-GMO, vegan, gluten-free, soy-free, sugar-free, fenugreek-free, without artificial sweeteners. 
  • Has bioavailable post-natal vitamins to boost milk supply and improve neurological function
  • Enrich milk supply 
  • Made with organic ingredients in the USA
  • Has probiotics and digestive enzymes to help fight indigestion
  • Unpleasant taste but can be mixed with other liquids or foods to achieve great results
Majka Collagen Protein Supplement

Nutritional Profile 

Majka collagen peptides breastfeeding powder is one of the favorite supplements on Amazon for lactating mothers. It offers 13 gms of protein in each serving. Besides proteins, this collagen peptides breastfeeding supplement provides all other important nutrients such as vitamins, and probiotics. These multiple nutrients make it a one-stop-shop for lactating mothers.  


Features and Benefits

One of the greatest benefits of this powder is the fact that it boosts milk supply. The protein-peptide formula, combined with a bioavailable postnatal vitamin provides lactation support. Many mothers who bought it on Amazon expressed how it helped to boost and enrich the milk supply.

 One Amazon reviewer pointed out: 

“Made my milk healthier, thicker, fattier. Fills baby up better. Supply increased. It also helped extremely to curb feeling depleted all the time.” 

Breast-feeding mothers are also facing the challenge to replenish and recover following birth.

The collagen peptide breastfeeding formula helps your body to heal fast and recover energy. 

Another challenge that is faced by postpartum mothers is a weak digestive system. Constipation, indigestion, and related stomach issues affect more than 25% of all women. The unique formula of this protein powder is blended with probiotics and digestive enzymes to aid in nutritional absorption. 

This collagen peptide breastfeeding supplement has all the important vitamins which are essential for neurological function. More specifically, vitamins A and B support the brain development, memory, and learning of babies as well as mothers. Majka protein powder has the right levels of Selenium and Iodine. Both are known to support healthy thyroid levels in mama. 

Cell and tissue damage is another major concern for postpartum mothers. The collagen peptide breastfeeding formula had polyphenol and greens blend, to fight oxidative stress and inflammation. 

The formula provides complete nutrition. It is blended with the right amount of galactagogues, whole foods, and accessible vitamins to boost milk production, prevent nutrient shortages, nurture breastfeeding, and keep you full and energized. 

The taste might not seem very appealing as it is sugar-free, with clean ingredients, so the green blend isn’t masked. For best and tastiest results add 2 scoops to your favorite smoothie, coffee, orange juice, or your favorite plant-based milk.  

Both mom and baby will benefit from this product because it is both safe and nourishing. 

Needed Collagen Peptides

Unflavored, soluble, and easy to digest collagen peptides breastfeeding supplement

  • Organic and non-GMO
  • Unflavored, ethically sourced, no added hormones, and simple to use collagen. 
  • Supports joints, pelvic floor tissue, and good skin stretching 
  • Helps manage blood sugar, nausea, and weight
  • Helps with pelvic floor integrity, vaginal tears, and stretch marks. 
  • Improved quality of hair and nails
needed collagen peptides

Nutritional Profile 

Needed collagen peptides breastfeeding supplement provides 14 gms of protein and 15 gms of collagen in each serving. Important amino acids such as glycine (3.24gms), hydroxyproline (1.41 gms), and

Features and Benefits

The unflavored, ethically sourced, and simple-to-use collagen protein powder provides not only the necessary protein but also the extra advantages of collagen, which support joints, pelvic floor tissue, and good skin stretching.

After the birth of the baby, lactating mothers face many health challenges due to protein deficiency. Needed Protein Powder helps manage blood sugar and weight, nausea, joint pain, and other symptoms associated with protein deficiency

This collagen is ideal for pregnant women also. You can take it to ease vaginal births and C-sections, as well as on pelvic floor integrity and the prevention of vaginal tears and stretch marks.

Needed collagen peptides breastfeeding powder provides complete nutrition to the mother and the baby. The amino acids and proteins provide complete nutrition to the mother and the baby. 

It’s made up of hydrolyzed bovine collagen, which is the closest identical to the collagen found naturally in our bodies, making it easiest to digest and absorb. It sneaks into smoothies, yogurt, cereal, and even soups, so you don’t have to think about what’s on the menu for the day.

As an extra benefit, you may see changes in your hair and nails, which, as practically every mother knows, may be put to the test during pregnancy. 

This collagen peptides breastfeeding powder doesn’t contain any inflammatory ingredients, unlike the majority of other protein powders derived from dairy, soy, grains, or legumes, and is free of the heavy metals and other toxins found in the majority of plant-based protein powders.

Take before, during, after pregnancy – and even beyond.

Collagen For Her

Collagen for Her Can be used by all women before having a baby, after, and beyond. Significantly improves skin, nails, and joint health. 

  • Organic and Non-GMO

  • Ethically sourced 

  • Benefits for Joints, Digestion & Gut Health

  • Manufactured in a USA cGMP Facility & Third Party Tested

  • Contains Type I and Type III Collagen

  • Almost tasteless and odorless

  • Blends easily in hot liquids

Nutritional Profile

Each serving of this collagen peptides breastfeeding supplement has 40 calories, 10 gm of protein, and 11 gm of collagen peptides. 

Features and Benefits

Collage For Her is almost flavorless and tasteless. There is no strange odor or texture. This helps greatly in pregnancy and after the birth of a baby, when a woman might develop some food aversions or certain kinds of smells that are unbearable.

This collagen peptide breastfeeding supplement can be added to any smoothie, drink, or recipe and it won’t change the flavor dramatically. This quality makes it extremely desirable for taste or smell-conscious lactating mothers.

Most lactating mothers prefer a nutritious breakfast in the morning to feed the baby as well as carry on with their daily tasks. Make it a part of their morning meal to get a boost of energy for the rest of the day. Overnight oatmeal, steel-cut oats, a smoothie, or even chia seed pudding can all benefit from a scoop of Collagen for Her.

Having a small baby means being always on the run. Create nutritious snacks by mixing this protein powder into a snack mix. Make your baked goods extremely healthy. 

You can also mix this collagen peptides breastfeeding supplement in your favorite soups to increase their nutritional value. It dissolves almost immediately in hot liquids. There are no floating white bits, and you don’t even need to stir. It will easily dissolve in your coffee or tea. Because of this, it’s also a terrific addition to smoothies or baked goods.

Another great feature of Collagen For Her is the fact that it has grass-fed and pasture-raised collagen, and each batch is accompanied by a certificate of analysis to confirm its safety.

Bulletproof Collagen Protein

Hundred percent pure collagen that ticks all the boxes.

  • 100% pure collagen peptides 
  • The better amino acid profile 
  • Keto and paleo-friendly 
  • Soy-free, Dairy-free, Non-GMO, Gluten-free, Dye-free
  • Without additional hormones, sourced from pasture-raised cows.
  • Highly bioavailable (for maximum impact) and produces a bland-tasting, odorless protein that doesn’t thicken and combines easily.
bulletproof collagen protein review

Nutritional Profile

Bulletproof collagen protein powder provides what it promises- Pure collagen peptides. The amount of collagen in one serving is 20 gms which is higher than in most bone broths. Bulletproof Collagen provides your body with 18 grams of protein per serving, which is considerably better than other protein powders, whether whey or vegan sources.

Bulletproof contains more of the following three amino acids as compared to other collagen peptide powder such as Vital Proteins. These ingredients are glycine, hydroxyproline, and proline. This is significant since these three amino acids make up the majority (about 60%) of all animal collagen (including our own).

Features and Benefits

Bulletproof collagen peptides breastfeeding supplement is keto and paleo-friendly, promotes healthy skin, strong bones, and flexible joints. It has pure hydrolyzed collagen peptides with amino acid building blocks to keep your skin looking healthy and moisturized.

 If you’ve ever had a kid, you’re well aware of how bad postpartum hair loss can be! Most of the women have bad skin after their first baby was born. By using collagen peptides breastfeeding formula regularly, you can significantly improve the tone and texture of your skin

It can be added to coffee, smoothies, soups, and other dishes. It tastes well and blends well with most of the foods. Read our article on some of the creative ways to consume collagen.

One of the cons of having this collagen peptides breastfeeding formula is the fact that it lacks digestive enzymes and other nutrients. If you are looking for a supplement that offers a combination of collagen peptides and other important nutrients, this might not be a very good choice. Read our full review of Bulletproof Collagen Protein Powder.

Vital Proteins Marine Collagen

Excellent marine collagen peptides breastfeeding formula for improving skin, joint, and hair health

  • No added sugars or sweeteners

  • Gluten-free, cholesterol-free, mercury-free, and dairy-free

  • Sourced from non-GMO white fish

  • Highly bioavailable

Vital Proteins Marine Collagen

Nutritional Profile 

Vital proteins powder is full of nutrition. Each serving provides 45 calories, 11 gms of Proteins, and 12 gms of Collagen Peptides. This nutritional value is comparable to other similar protein-peptide supplements. There’s a significant amount of three important amino acids in each serving, called glycine (2718 mg), hydroxyproline (1560mg), and proline (961 mg).

Features and Benefits 

Vital Proteins are derived from the scales of wild-caught white fish that are free of GMOs. It has a high bioavailability, is easily digested, and is soluble in cold water.

Marine collagen peptides are easily digested and absorbed by the body, providing maximal advantages. It greatly contributes to the enhancement of the health of your hair, skin, nails, joints, ligaments, and tendons.

Many buyers on Amazon left hundreds of positive reviews for this collagen peptides breastfeeding formula. One reviewer mentioned striking improvement in skin and nail health.

Vital Proteins powder is very simple to use. Mix it in liquids, hot or cold, including coffee, smoothies, and tea. Feel free to take them any time of the day. It is Paleo Friendly too. 

One of the drawbacks of this collagen peptides breastfeeding supplement is its strong smell and taste. One reviewer on Amazon noted, “ It has a taste of fish if you try to drink it with plain water. Try to mix it with hot water.”

Besides the bad taste, it is packed with all the right nutrition. 

Final Verdict

If you are a lactating mother, looking for improving milk supply, you can’t go wrong with Majka Collagen Peptides Breastfeeding Supplement. The best-selling supplement has 15 grams of protein per serving and is flavorless, making it the ideal complement to any food or beverage.

If you care for taste a lot and can’t stand odors, then Needed Collagen Breastfeeding Powder is for you. 

Do you detest taking multiple supplements and want to choose one collagen powder for your overall health for many years? Choose Collagen for Her. 

If you want to take only collagen peptides minus all the other ingredients, then Bulletproof Collagen Protein or Vital Protein is your best choice.

Key Takeaway

During pregnancy and nursing, a woman’s body undergoes significant changes. Hormone imbalances, changing body size, and shifting metabolic processes all combine to provide her with distinct obstacles at this point in her life.

Many of these concerns can be alleviated with a collagen boost. Choose one of the above-mentioned collagen peptides breastfeeding supplements to acquire extra collagen. Let us know in the comments how it benefited you.

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