Bulletproof Collagen Protein Review

bulletproof collagen protein review

Want To Recover Faster After Exercising? Try Bulletproof Collagen Protein (It’s Awesome!)

Bulletproof Collagen Protein Review: We are not just saying it. Our reviewer has experienced it first hand after using it for more than six months. He saw some amazing results in his post-workout recovery.

If you have browsed our website, you might have noticed that our team of reviewers is into trying and testing various collagen supplements, one at a time.

Our recent challenge was to discover the best collagen powder for post-workout recovery. We tested it and found out that this bulletproof collagen protein supplement is a great choice. Some characteristics of Bulletproof collagen protein are the following: 

  1. Helps in restoring muscles and ligaments 
  2. Enhances performance 
  3. Boosts athletic performance 

In this review, we will mention Bulletproof Collagen’s nutritional profile, any other information from the internet that we can find out, its taste, mixability, and pros and cons. We have also compared it with another collagen protein supplement by Sports Research.   

Find out more about our recommended collagen supplements in the following review articles. 

What is Bulletproof Collagen Protein, and Why is It so Important for Athletic Performance?

In case you are new to the world of Collagen, it is an ideal recovery protein for triathletes, gym-goers, and yogis because it helps to build and repair the muscles, tendons, ligaments, and cartilage that are stressed during exercise.

Collagen is the most important structural component in our bodies; it makes up 90% of our connective tissue, which includes our joints, ligaments, tendons, and fascia. Collagen production decreases as we age, but bulletproof collagen protein  supplements can help to fill up the gap.

Collagen’s high bioavailability combined with its high amino acid content makes it an ideal post-exercise nutrition. It quickly absorbs and can work to repair and replenish proteins that are broken down during exercise. Supplementing collagen protein is of great help to maintain an active lifestyle. 

How does Collagen Help in Post-Workout Recovery?

  1. Repairs And Restores Muscles 

Whenever you exercise for too long, a lot goes on in your body, such as oxidation, inflammatory responses, and muscle microlesions. Consequently, you lose lots of proteins. A high protein diet after exercise allows for the replacement of lost proteins, restoring muscle protein content by increasing muscle anabolism. 

A high amino acid content makes it ideal for muscle repair and recovery. Bulletproof collagen protein review supplementation may aid in muscle repair, making it essential for post-workout nutrition. This Bulletproof collagen protein review will help you to enjoy a good and healthy life style.

2. Faster Recovery From Injury 

First thing first-How, does our body recover from an injury? There are two processes that heal torn or ruptured muscles: 

  1. Regeneration of muscle fibers 
  2. Production of connective scar tissue 

You need Collagen for both of these. But don’t take our word for it. According to a research, collagen synthesis rates in muscle cells increased three weeks after a muscle rupture. 

There’s strong evidence that if you take collagen supplements like Bulletproof Collagen protein review after an injury, it helps in tissue repair and recovers those ligaments faster. 

3. Prevents Injuries 

Collagen prevents you from having injuries. In a two-year study of three different types of athletes, supplementation with a combination of collagen peptides, BCAA, and arginine reduced the number of tendon-ligament and joint-related injuries. 

Another study that measured the effects of daily collagen peptide intake on the structure of the Achilles tendon discovered a significant increase in collagen fiber diameter, implying improved tendon strength as a result of collagen supplementation. 

4. Reduces Joint Pain 

Bulletproof collagen protein supplementation reduces activity and exercise-related joint pain. High-impact and high-intensity sports place strain on joints, which can result in pain and injury. 

5. Enhances Performance 

Bulletproof Collagen Protein is an excellent source of protein as well as essential amino acids. Due to its high amino acid content, collagen protein powder is ideal for post-workout nutrition because it supports the body’s protein needs during and after exercise. 

Furthermore, Collagen contains 18 amino acids, including eight of the nine essential amino acids that the body cannot produce and must get through dietary proteins.

6. Boosts Athletic Performance 

Creatine, a molecule composed of three amino acids – glycine, methionine, and arginine – is required for muscle contraction during exercise. Furthermore, Collagen contains 20% glycine and 8% arginine, which may help the body synthesize creatine and improve performance during short bursts of muscle contraction.

If you consume Arginine, it may improve athletic performance. A study found out that taking 1g of arginine and ornithine orally for five weeks could boost strength by stimulating the release of growth hormone. 

Bulletproof Collagen Protein Helps in Post Workout Recovery

Bulletproof Collagen Protein is a hydrolyzed collagen powder. It helps in promoting healthy skin, muscle growth, and joint health. Some other excellent collagen supplements that help in muscle growth are Bulletproof Collagen Protein Supplement and Vital Proteins Collagen Peptide Powder.


 However, we found out that Bulletproof Collagen Protein stands out when it comes to post workout recovery.


We have compared bulletproof collagen protein powder with another top collagen product in the market called Sports Research Collagen Supplement to highlight its nutritional value. 

Nutritional Profile

Bulletproof Collagen Protein

 Sports Research Collagen Protein

bulletproof collagen protein review

1. Protein

2 scoops (20 gm) of Bulletproof Collagen powder provides your body with 18 grams of protein which is comparable to what the Sports Research supplement provides in 20 gm of powder.

2. Collagen

A serving of 20 gm of Bulletproof Collagen provides 20 gm of hydrolyzed collagen peptides, which is the same as what the Sports Research supplement provides in each serving. Both the Bulletproof Protein supplement and Sports Research supplement offer type i and type iii collagen in each serving. 

3. Sodium

Bulletproof Collagen Protein has about half the amount of sodium as compared to what Sports Research provides for the same single serving of 20 grams. 

4. Amino Acid Profile

Bulletproof Collagen Protein also has a higher amino acid profile than the other two top brands, particularly Vital Proteins. Bulletproof contains more of the following amino acids:

  • glycine 

  • hydroxyproline 

  • proline

This is significant because these three amino acids account for the majority (about 60%) of all animal collagen (including our own). 

5. Sourcing 

Bulletproof Collagen and Sports Research Supplement have been sourced from Bovine Hide.

What Does Our Reviewer Like About Bulletproof Collagen Supplement?

I have been a sports enthusiast since ages. In addition to lifting weights and training on a regular basis, I also play soccer. I’ve been playing soccer since I was four years old, and I recently celebrated my 35th birthday. I’ve had three knee surgeries, a calf operation, and a foot operation. 

A few months ago, I started experiencing excruciating pain in my knee. My doctor told me that I needed knee replacement surgery and I had to exercise less. I wanted to avoid surgery so I reduced the time I spent playing. I’ve come to terms with the fact that I won’t be able to compete at the level I once did.

The Upgraded Collagen Protein was a game-changer for me. Using it made a huge difference in my knee, and I could feel it in my body. Although I’m still experiencing some discomfort, I believe this product has helped. I consider it an important aspect of personal care and use it every day. 

If you’re looking for a collagen protein powder that doesn’t taste like the bottom of a bird cage and mixes well into any shake or smoothie, I highly recommend Bulletproof® Collagen. When I first sipped it, I was pleasantly surprised by how creamy it felt and discovered that it tastes just fine when mixed with other things like your morning coffee.

For the record, I mix it with Brain Octane in my coffee almost daily. The fact that it is an unflavored collagen protein powder means that it can be used in just about any recipe, which is one of its greatest advantages. 

Adding it to brownies is a favorite of mine:)

Pros and Cons



  • Flavorless - It is completely flavorless, so you can add it to any smoothie or food you want without affecting the flavor of the final product.
  • No artificial sweeteners or flavors - Another advantage of going flavorless is that it allows the product to remain completely natural.
  • Only Protein - If you're doing something like the keto diet, no other macros like carbs or fat will throw off your macros.
  • Non-Vegan - Because the protein comes from cows, it is not suitable for vegan consumption.
  • Potential Side Effects - When using collagen protein, there is a small risk of side effects such as heartburn and upset stomach.

Benefits of Bulletproof Collagen Protein Supplement

  1. Improves Muscle Repair and Restoration 

Bulletproof Collagen Protein is the most important post-workout protein supplement because it contains collagen hydrolysate. Collagen hydrolysate is a form of protein that’s easier for your body to digest than other forms of protein, like whey or soy. This means that more collagen protein can get into your muscles, where it does its job as a key building block for new muscle tissue.

2. Helps in Recovery from Injuries

Collagen protein helps in recovery from injuries and promotes joint health. It reduces inflammation, eases muscle soreness, and improves your overall fitness

3. Strengthens Joints and Ligaments

The benefits of using bulletproof Collagen are numerous, but one of the most important is that it strengthens your joints and ligaments. This means you can run higher mileage, do harder workouts and recover faster, which can lead to improved performance on the field. Also, read our article on how collagen strengthens bones and joints. 

4. Reduces Activity and Exercise-Related Joint Pain 

Trust us; you’ll notice a difference. Bulletproof collagen protein is perfect for anyone looking to decrease their joint pain from activity or exercise.

5. Improved Athletic performance   

Research suggests that taking a daily dose of the amino acid proline can help improve athletic performance, reduce post-workout muscle soreness, and repair damaged muscles. 

Bulletproof collagen protein contains 20g of protein per serving, which is important for muscle repair and recovery. Carbohydrates are also needed to fuel your body during workouts and to improve your overall mood and energy levels.


Bulletproof Collagen Protein is the best collagen supplement you can buy. It has high amounts of Collagen and an impressive amino acid profile. It is tasteless and can be mixed with any food. It is recommended for post-workout recovery. It is better than or at par with another common post-workout collagen supplement, i.e., the Sports Research Collagen supplement

*The Food and Drug Administration has not reviewed these statements. The purpose of this product is not to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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