Benefits of Collagen for Type 2 Diabetes

Collagen for type 2 diabetes

Find Out The Best Collagen Supplement for Diabetes You Haven’t Heard Of Yet

Do you know that around 115 million Americans have been diagnosed with prediabetes or Diabetes so far? The number is expected to rise as most people don’t follow a discipline around their diet and nutrition. If you’re diabetic, you know it can be tricky to find foods that are both delicious and healthy. But don’t worry-we’ve got your back. Collagen supplements are a great fit for diabetics. 

Collagen supplements stabilize blood sugars and prevent damage to nerves and organs. They also improve the natural reserves of collagen in our body that help repair tissues and improve bone health. In addition, they are a rich source of Glycine that positively impacts insulin secretion.  

This article will discuss why collagen supplements are a great choice for diabetics. We will also recommended our favorite collagen supplement for diabetes mellitus.

Also read our  articles on various other health benefits of collagen: 

5 Surprising Benefits of Collagen For Type 2 Diabetes

Table of Contents

  1. Improved Glucose and Lipid Metabolism

Collagen Peptides improve glucose and lipid metabolism in diabetic patients. According to a study,100 Chinese patients suffering from Type 2 Diabetes were treated with 13 gms of Marine Collagen Peptides daily for three months. When their blood samples were evaluated, it was found that they had reduced levels of fasting blood glucose, fasting blood insulin, and human glycated hemoglobin. This proves that collagen peptides have a therapeutic effect on patients suffering from Diabetes. 

  1. Reduces the Impacts of Glycation 

Due to higher blood sugar levels, diabetics have to go through the adverse impacts of glycation. It is a process where sugar attaches to protein or lipid. The product of this combination is called Advanced Glycosylated End Products (AGEs). Consequently, a diabetic experiences stiffening of tissues, slower healing of wounds, and increased chances of injuries. Hydrolyzed Collagen supplements reduce these adverse impacts.  

  1. Improves Collagen Reserves in Our Body

 Supplementing with collagen reduces the impact of aging and makes your body healthy. It may help restore your body’s own collagen levels. Having more collagen means the faster repair of skeletal muscle, rebuilding of bones, and improving skin elasticity and gut health. 

  1. Avoid Unhealthy Spikes in Energy 

If you are a diabetic, you must know that an unhealthy energy spike harms your organs and blood vessels. It might cause diabetic neuropathy or nerve damage. It might damage your vital organs like kidneys, liver, or heart. Several studies have proven that if you take a protein with carbohydrates, it results in better blood sugar control as compared to when you take only carbohydrates. Collagen for type 2 diabetes can better stabilize blood sugar, meaning no more energy crashes!  

  1. Better Source of Glycine 

Glycine is a nonessential amino acid, which means that it is not important to include it in your diet. It is because our bodies produce enough Glycine to support collagen synthesis. As we age, our bodies produce less Glycine, which impairs glucose tolerance. Research by the Alberta Institute found lower Glycine levels among patients suffering from Type 2 Diabetes. Several other studies associate lower levels of Glycine with Diabetes.   

Collagen supplementation is a better source of Glycine as compared to other protein sources. Meat is an important source of Glycine, but it’s not an ideal source. A collagen supplement has high amounts of Glycine, making it an excellent source of Glycine and other amino acids. 

The Best Collagen for Type 2 Diabetes

Vital Proteins Marine Collagen is the best collagen for type 2 diabetes. It is recommended for the following reasons: 

  1. Each serving offers 45 calories and 12 gm of collagen peptides from the white fish. 
  2. It has a high amount of Glycine in each serving, i.e., around 2718 mg. 
  3. It is flavorless, odorless, and free of GMOs and sweeteners. 
  4. This collagen for type 2 diabetes has zero carbs and prevents you from blood glucose spikes while also providing you with protein nutrition. 
  5. It is paleo-friendly and whole 30 approved. 
  6. This supplement is free of gluten, cholesterol, mercury, and dairy. 


In sum, collagen for type 2 diabetes can stabilize blood sugar and improve energy levels. They are rich in Glycine, which helps to stabilize blood sugars and prevent damage to nerves and organs. Collagen supplements also improve the natural reserves of collagen in our body, that help in repairing tissues and improving bone health. Plus, they can improve insulin secretion.  

So if you’re diabetic and looking for a way to improve your health, look no further than collagen supplements! 


 Collagen for type 2 diabetes can stabilize blood sugar and improve energy levels. It allows you to easily add protein to your diet and improves digestion and joint health!

 Collagen is the most effective way to stabilize blood sugar levels, according to a recent study.The study showed that collagen helps insulin and blood sugar levels remain more stable in patients who use collagen.

No, it doesn’t. The collagen peptides have very few calories as it is just protein and has zero fluff. It has no flavor and does not affect your blood sugar.

Collagen supplements are not a good choice for people having a history of calcium oxalate kidney stones. Such people should start with about 5 to 6 grams of collagen daily. It is also recommended to first consult your physician before taking collagen supplements. 

It has been proven that diabetes depletes collagen reserves. When your body loses collagen, it negatively affects wound healing, and skin elasticity. 


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